



Instructions: Read the article below and summarize it in your own words as far as possible in English.

Suggested length: 60-70 words

Write your summary in the space provided on your answer sheet. Any writing outside the space will not be graded.

From the 1980s to the early 2000s, many national museums in Britain were charging their visitors entrance fees. The newly elected government, however, was supportive of the arts. It introduced a landmark policy to provide financial aid to museums so that they would drop their entrance fees. As a result, entrance to many national museums, including the Natural History Museum, became free of charge.

Supporters of the policy said that as it would widen access to national museums, it would have significant benefits. People, regardless of their education or income, would have the opportunity to experience the large collections of artworks in museums and learn about the country’s cultural history.

Although surveys indicated that visitors to national museums that became free increased by an average of 70 percent after the policy’s introduction, critics claimed the policy was not completely successful. This increase, they say, mostly consisted of the same people visiting museums many times. Additionally, some independent museums with entrance fees said the policy negatively affected them. Their visitor numbers decreased because people were visiting national museums to avoid paying fees, causing the independent museums to struggle financially.








The British government implemented a policy that would help national museums to provide free admission to the public. Supporters believed this would encourage people from various backgrounds to visit museums. However, while visitors increased, some critics of the policy pointed out the increase was largely due to repeated visits from the same people. Moreover, some independent museums with admission fees stated the policy led to a drop in their revenues.







In Britain entrance to many national museums became free of charge by the newly elected government.
Supporters said that wide variety of people would have the opportunity to experience and learn about their culture.
However, critics claimed only the same people were visiting museums many times.
Additionally, some independent museums with entrance fees said that they lost visitors and struggled financially.(65語)


内容 (10点満点中)得点: 9


言語表現と文法 (10点満点中)得点: 8

文法的にはほとんど正確ですが、細かな改善が可能です。「However, critics claimed only the same people were visiting museums many times.」という文は、情報をより明確に伝えるために少し調整することができます。例えば、「However, critics claimed that primarily the same people were visiting museums multiple times.」とすることで、文の意味がより明確になります。

概観 (10点満点中)得点: 9



とまあ一定の評価を得た。受験生が時間内に作成するのは、これが限界じゃないの?とも思いますが、”your own word”に変えられればパーフェクトだろうから、改善していきます。




Autonomous vehicles, or self-driving cars, are a type of car designed to travel without a human driver. They use cameras, sensors, and computer programs to understand the environment and make decisions. This technology aims to make traveling safer and more efficient.

Self-driving cars can detect objects around them, like other cars, pedestrians, and traffic signals. They can also navigate roads and change lanes by themselves. These cars are tested in many countries to ensure they are safe for public roads.

However, there are still challenges to overcome. These include improving the technology for bad weather and creating rules for how these cars should behave on the road. Despite these challenges, the future of self-driving cars looks promising. They could change how we travel, reducing accidents and making transportation more accessible to everyone.





Autonomous vehicles, designed to operate without human drivers, utilize technology like cameras and sensors to navigate safely. They promise to improve road safety and accessibility, though challenges such as adapting to various weather conditions and regulatory issues remain. The future of these self-driving cars holds potential for transforming transportation. (42 words)




Genetically modified (GM) foods are foods produced from organisms that have had changes introduced into their DNA using the methods of genetic engineering. These changes allow the plants to become resistant to pests, diseases, or environmental conditions, or to produce more nutrients.

GM foods have been a topic of debate for years. Supporters argue that genetically modified crops are essential to feed the growing global population. They claim that GM foods can enhance nutritional content, increase yields, and reduce the need for pesticides.

However, some people are concerned about the safety and ethics of genetically modifying food. They worry about potential health risks, environmental impact, and the dominance of big corporations in agriculture.

In summary, genetically modified foods have both supporters and critics. The debate revolves around their safety, ethical considerations, and their role in future agriculture.






Genetically modified foods are produced through genetic engineering to improve resistance and nutrition. They are debated for their safety, ethical implications, and impact on agriculture. Supporters highlight the benefits for global food supply, while critics raise concerns about health risks and environmental effects. (40 words)




Online classes have become a significant part of education around the world. They allow students to learn from anywhere, as long as they have an internet connection. This method of learning can be very flexible, making it easier for students to balance their studies with other responsibilities.

Online courses offer a variety of subjects, from mathematics to art, and they are suitable for all levels of learners. Students can watch videos, participate in discussions, and complete assignments at their own pace. This personalized approach can help students who might need more time to understand certain topics.

However, online learning also requires discipline and motivation. Without the physical presence of teachers and classmates, students need to be proactive in managing their time and ensuring they are engaging with the material. It is important for students to find a routine that works for them and to reach out for help when needed.






Online learning allows students to study various subjects from anywhere with an internet connection. It provides flexibility, enabling learners to fit their education around other commitments. Students can progress through material at their own pace, making it possible for those who need more time on certain topics to take it. However, success in online courses requires discipline and self-motivation, as learners must manage their time effectively and engage with their studies without the physical presence of instructors and peers. (60 words)




Changing the start of the school year from spring to autumn is a topic of discussion in many countries. This shift could make it easier for the academic calendar to match the calendar year, potentially making the educational process smoother for students, teachers, and parents.

In countries where the school year begins in spring, students often have a long break during summer, which can disrupt the continuity of learning. By starting the school year in autumn, students might keep information better, as the long break would come after the completion of a full year of study, rather than in the middle.

Moreover, this change could help with international student exchanges and academic collaborations, as most countries follow an autumn-to-summer academic year. This alignment could make it simpler for students studying abroad, allowing for a smoother transition between different educational systems.

However, such a change would require big adjustments in school buildings, curriculum planning, and academic schedules. It would also need to consider the impact on family routines and the broader community. While there are potential benefits, the transition would need careful planning and wide agreement among everyone involved.







Shifting the school year start from spring to autumn is debated widely. This change could streamline education by aligning the academic and calendar years. An autumn start might improve learning continuity, placing the long break after a full study year. It may ease international student exchanges too. However, this requires adjustments in school systems and consideration of its impact on families. Planning and agreement are crucial for a smooth transition.

(60 words)




The spread of digital education tools has transformed the way we learn and teach. These tools, including online courses, educational apps, and virtual classrooms, offer new opportunities for interactive learning. They make education more accessible, allowing students to learn at their own pace and time.

Traditional education methods, on the other hand, often involve face-to-face instruction in physical classrooms. While this approach has its advantages, such as direct interaction and immediate feedback, it can sometimes be less flexible and personalized than digital methods.

Digital tools also introduce challenges. Not all students have equal access to technology, which can widen the educational gap. Moreover, the effectiveness of learning through digital platforms depends heavily on the design of the educational content and the learners’ motivation.

Despite these challenges, digital education tools are becoming an integral part of the educational landscape. They do not necessarily replace traditional methods but complement them, offering a blended approach that can enhance learning outcomes.







The adoption of digital education tools has revolutionized learning, providing flexible and accessible options like online courses and apps. These contrast with traditional classroom teaching, which offers direct interaction but may lack adaptability for some students. Digital tools, despite challenges like limited tech access for some, are becoming essential in education, complementing traditional methods and enhancing learning outcomes.
(60 words)




The rise of food sharing initiatives is a key solution to the problem of food waste, which has become a significant environmental and economic issue worldwide. Food sharing platforms connect people who have surplus food with those who need it, reducing the amount of food that goes to waste.

Food sharing not only helps in cutting down the waste but also promotes community interaction and support. People can donate unwanted food items to local food banks, charities, or through apps that alert users to available surplus food nearby. This approach helps to ensure that less food is thrown away and more is used efficiently.

However, the success of food sharing depends on widespread participation and awareness. It requires the cooperation of households, restaurants, supermarkets, and food producers. Each participant needs to be committed to reducing waste, which can include better inventory management and providing food to sharing platforms promptly.

Despite these challenges, food sharing has shown great potential in minimizing waste and supporting those in need. As more people and organizations recognize its benefits, food sharing is likely to become a more integral part of our efforts to address food waste and enhance food security.







Food sharing initiatives effectively reduce food waste by linking surplus with need, fostering community ties, and promoting efficient use of resources. Widespread participation from individuals and businesses, focused on improved inventory and prompt sharing, is essential. As awareness grows, food sharing is increasingly recognized as crucial for tackling food waste and improving food security. (50 words)




Promoting bicycle use in urban areas has become a popular strategy to address traffic congestion and reduce environmental pollution. Cities around the world are expanding bike lanes, offering bike-sharing programs, and implementing policies that prioritize cyclists over cars in certain areas.

Bicycles offer a clean, efficient, and economical mode of transportation. They do not emit pollutants, which helps improve air quality. Furthermore, cycling reduces the need for large parking spaces and can decrease traffic congestion, leading to a more fluid urban mobility.

However, the success of this initiative depends on the availability of safe cycling infrastructure. Without proper bike lanes and parking facilities, cyclists may face risks from motorized traffic. Therefore, cities must invest in comprehensive cycling infrastructure and public awareness campaigns to encourage safe and widespread bicycle use.

This shift towards cycling not only benefits individual health by promoting physical activity but also improves the overall quality of life in cities. As urban populations grow, embracing bicycles as a primary mode of transport can significantly reduce urban transport challenges.







Promoting bicycle use in urban areas helps reduce traffic congestion and environmental pollution. Cities are developing bike lanes and sharing programs, enhancing safety and accessibility for cyclists. This initiative not only supports sustainable transportation but also improves city life by promoting health through physical activity and reducing urban traffic problems. However, the effectiveness of these efforts relies heavily on building safe infrastructure and raising public awareness. (60 words)




Eating foods high in antioxidants is key for slowing aging. These foods, like blueberries, spinach, and almonds, protect cells from damage caused by unstable molecules known as free radicals. Regularly eating these foods improves skin, brain health, and strengthens the immune system, which is vital as we age. While not a cure-all, incorporating these foods into your diet supports overall health and helps reduce the risk of chronic diseases.




Eating foods high in antioxidants is key for slowing aging. These foods, like blueberries, spinach, and almonds, protect cells from damage caused by unstable molecules known as free radicals. Regularly eating these foods improves skin, brain health, and strengthens the immune system, which is vital as we age. While not a cure-all, incorporating these foods into your diet supports overall health and helps reduce the risk of chronic diseases. (60 words)




School uniforms have a long history in the educational systems around the world. Initially, uniforms were introduced in England in the 16th century to create a sense of equality and discipline among students. They were simple and durable, designed to withstand the wear and tear of school activities.

Over the centuries, the style and purpose of school uniforms have evolved. In many countries, they are seen as a way to reduce social differences between students, as everyone wears the same outfit regardless of their background. Uniforms are also believed to improve the learning environment by reducing distractions related to fashion.

Today, while some argue that uniforms restrict personal expression, many educators and parents see them as essential for maintaining discipline and focus in school. They continue to be a common requirement in schools across many cultures and countries.






School uniforms originated in 16th century England to promote equality and discipline. Their design was simple and robust, suited for daily school use. Over time, uniforms have helped minimize social disparities and distractions in schools, fostering a better learning environment. Despite some opposition regarding personal expression, uniforms remain widely endorsed for maintaining school discipline.
(53 words)




Urban development often leads to the destruction of historical buildings. These buildings are crucial for preserving a city’s cultural heritage and identity. However, as cities grow, the need for modern infrastructure sometimes conflicts with preserving these landmarks. For instance, old neighborhoods may be replaced by new apartment complexes or shopping malls.

To address this, many cities have introduced regulations to protect historical buildings. These rules aim to preserve their unique architecture and significance while allowing for modernization. For example, cities may designate certain areas as historical districts, restricting changes that could alter their character.

Striking a balance between progress and preservation remains a challenge. However, with thoughtful urban planning and community involvement, cities can maintain their cultural heritage while evolving to meet modern needs.






Urban development can often clash with the preservation of historical buildings, which hold significant cultural value. Many cities address this by creating regulations that protect these buildings, sometimes designating whole areas as historical districts. Achieving a balance between modernization and preserving heritage requires careful urban planning and community input.
(50 words)




Welfare systems have a rich history that dates back to ancient times. In early societies, mutual aid was common, with communities supporting members in need. However, the modern welfare state began to take shape in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, particularly in Europe. Governments started to introduce formalized systems to support the elderly, unemployed, and those unable to work due to illness or disability.

The expansion of welfare systems continued after World War II, with many countries developing comprehensive social safety nets. These included health insurance, pensions, and unemployment benefits. The aim was to provide security for all citizens, reducing poverty and inequality.

In recent decades, welfare systems have evolved to address new challenges, such as aging populations and economic globalization. While some argue that welfare programs are too expensive, they remain essential for many people, helping to maintain social stability.






Welfare systems have evolved significantly since their early forms in ancient societies, where mutual aid was prevalent. Modern welfare states emerged in the late 19th century, offering formal support for vulnerable groups. After World War II, these systems expanded, including health insurance, pensions, and unemployment benefits. Despite cost concerns, they remain crucial for social stability.
(53 words)




Active learning is an instructional approach that engages students in activities such as discussions, problem-solving, and group work, rather than passive listening. Research has shown that active learning can lead to better retention of information, deeper understanding of concepts, and improved critical thinking skills compared to traditional lecture-based methods.

One of the key benefits of active learning is its ability to promote student engagement. By actively participating in the learning process, students are more likely to stay focused and motivated. This approach also encourages collaboration and communication skills, which are essential for success in today’s workforce.

Implementing active learning strategies, however, requires careful planning and support from educators. Teachers need to create opportunities for students to interact with course material and each other. This may involve designing group projects, facilitating discussions, or using interactive technology in the classroom.

Despite its benefits, active learning may face challenges in certain educational settings. Large class sizes, limited resources, and resistance to change from both students and instructors can hinder its effective implementation. Nevertheless, many educators recognize the value of active learning and continue to explore ways to integrate it into their teaching practices.







Active learning engages students in activities like discussions and group work, enhancing retention and critical thinking skills. It fosters student engagement and collaboration, vital for modern workplaces. Implementing it requires planning and support, facing challenges like large class sizes. Nonetheless, educators recognize its value and strive to integrate it into teaching practices.
(65 words)




Basic income, also known as universal basic income (UBI), is a system where the government provides a regular, unconditional payment to all citizens. This idea has been gaining attention as a potential solution to various social and economic problems. Proponents argue that basic income can reduce poverty and inequality by providing a safety net for everyone, regardless of their employment status.

One of the main benefits of basic income is that it offers financial security. People can use the money to cover basic needs such as food, housing, and healthcare. This can lead to improved mental and physical health, as financial stress is reduced. Additionally, basic income can provide individuals with the freedom to pursue education, start businesses, or engage in creative activities without the constant worry of financial instability.

However, there are also concerns about the implementation of basic income. Critics argue that it could be very costly and may require higher taxes to fund the program. There is also the fear that some people might choose not to work if they receive regular payments, which could negatively impact the economy. Furthermore, the effectiveness of basic income in addressing poverty and inequality is still debated, as it may not address the root causes of these issues.

In summary, while basic income has the potential to offer significant benefits, it also faces substantial challenges. Further research and pilot programs are needed to better understand its impact and feasibility.







Basic income provides regular, unconditional payments to all citizens, aiming to reduce poverty and inequality. It offers financial security and allows individuals to pursue education and creative activities. However, it is costly and may require higher taxes. There are concerns about potential negative impacts on work motivation and the overall economy. Further research is needed.
(56 words)




Urban agriculture refers to the practice of cultivating, processing, and distributing food in or around cities. This practice has gained popularity due to its potential benefits for communities. One of the primary advantages is the ability to provide fresh, locally-grown produce to urban residents. This reduces the need for transportation, which can lower carbon emissions and reduce the environmental impact.

Urban farming also promotes food security by making healthy food more accessible to city dwellers. Additionally, it can create green spaces in urban environments, improving air quality and providing recreational areas for residents. These green spaces can also help mitigate the urban heat island effect, where cities are significantly warmer than their rural surroundings.

However, there are challenges associated with urban agriculture. Space in cities is limited and often expensive, making it difficult to establish large-scale farming operations. Additionally, urban soil can be contaminated with pollutants, posing risks to both the food grown and the people consuming it. Urban farmers also need to navigate complex regulations and zoning laws that can vary significantly from one city to another.

Despite these challenges, the benefits of urban agriculture are substantial. With proper planning and support, cities can integrate farming into their infrastructure, contributing to sustainable and resilient urban communities.







Urban agriculture involves growing and distributing food in cities, providing fresh produce and reducing carbon emissions. It enhances food security and creates green spaces, improving air quality and mitigating the urban heat island effect. Challenges include limited space, soil contamination, and complex regulations. With proper planning, it can contribute to sustainable urban communities.
(55 words)




Ethical fashion, also known as sustainable fashion, emphasizes the importance of creating clothing in a way that respects the environment and the workers involved in the production process. This movement has gained momentum as consumers become more aware of the negative impacts of fast fashion, which often involves poor working conditions and environmental degradation.

One of the primary benefits of ethical fashion is its focus on fair labor practices. Brands committed to ethical fashion ensure that workers receive fair wages, work in safe conditions, and have access to benefits. This not only improves the lives of the workers but also supports local economies and promotes social justice.

Another significant aspect of ethical fashion is its emphasis on environmental sustainability. Ethical fashion brands use eco-friendly materials, reduce waste, and implement sustainable production practices. This helps in reducing the carbon footprint of the fashion industry and conserves natural resources.

Despite its benefits, ethical fashion faces challenges such as higher production costs and limited consumer awareness. Ethical fashion products are often more expensive due to fair wages and sustainable materials. However, as awareness grows, more consumers are willing to invest in clothing that aligns with their values.







Ethical fashion focuses on fair labor practices and environmental sustainability. It ensures fair wages and safe working conditions for workers, supporting local economies and promoting social justice. Additionally, it uses eco-friendly materials and sustainable production practices, reducing the fashion industry’s carbon footprint. Despite challenges like higher costs, growing awareness is increasing consumer investment in ethical fashion.
(56 words)




School rules, or “kousoku” in Japanese, have a long history in the educational system, particularly in Japan. Initially, these rules were introduced to maintain order and discipline among students, ensuring a safe and conducive learning environment. Over time, however, the nature and strictness of these rules have evolved, often sparking debates about their relevance and necessity.

In the past, school rules were primarily focused on maintaining decorum, with strict guidelines on students’ appearance, behavior, and daily routines. For example, regulations on hair length, uniform style, and even the type of socks students could wear were common. These rules were seen as essential for instilling discipline and preparing students for the rigid structure of society.

However, in recent years, there has been growing criticism of certain school rules, particularly those that seem outdated or overly restrictive. Critics argue that such rules can stifle students’ individuality and creativity, leading to a more conformist mindset. Additionally, some believe that overly strict rules can create unnecessary stress and anxiety for students, negatively impacting their mental health.

Despite these criticisms, supporters of school rules argue that they play a crucial role in maintaining order and teaching students about responsibility and respect. They believe that some level of regulation is necessary to prepare students for the expectations of adult life. The challenge, then, is finding a balance between maintaining discipline and allowing students the freedom to express themselves.







School rules, historically designed to maintain discipline and order, have evolved, sparking debates about their relevance. Initially focused on students’ appearance and behavior, these rules are now criticized for stifling individuality and causing stress. Supporters argue they are essential for teaching responsibility and maintaining order, highlighting the challenge of balancing discipline with self-expression.
(51 words)




The use of generative AI in education has raised important ethical concerns, particularly regarding its impact on students’ creativity and originality. Generative AI, which can create content such as essays, art, and music, offers exciting possibilities for enhancing learning. However, there is a growing concern that relying too much on AI-generated content might diminish students’ ability to think creatively and develop original ideas.

One of the primary concerns is that students might become overly dependent on AI tools, using them to complete assignments without fully engaging in the learning process. This could lead to a situation where students produce work that is technically proficient but lacks personal insight or originality. In the long run, this might undermine the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which are essential in both academic and professional settings.

Additionally, there is the question of ownership and authorship. When students use AI to generate content, it becomes unclear who the true author of the work is. This raises concerns about academic integrity and the value of students’ own contributions. Educators and policymakers must carefully consider these issues when integrating AI into the classroom, ensuring that students are encouraged to use AI as a tool to enhance their creativity, rather than replace it.

In conclusion, while generative AI holds great potential for education, it is crucial to address the ethical challenges it presents. By finding a balance between AI assistance and human creativity, we can ensure that students continue to develop the skills they need to succeed in the future.







Generative AI in education raises ethical concerns about its impact on students’ creativity and originality. Overreliance on AI tools might reduce students’ engagement and critical thinking skills. Additionally, questions about authorship arise when AI generates content. It’s essential to balance AI assistance with human creativity to help students develop necessary skills for the future.
(51 words)




The introduction of generative AI in education is reshaping the role of teachers in significant ways. Traditionally, teachers have been the primary source of knowledge, guiding students through the learning process and providing personalized feedback. However, with the rise of generative AI, which can generate lesson plans, create educational content, and even assess student work, the dynamics of the classroom are changing.

One of the key impacts of generative AI is the shift from a teacher-centered model to a more student-centered approach. Teachers are increasingly becoming facilitators of learning rather than just providers of information. They are tasked with helping students navigate AI-generated content, ensuring that it meets educational standards and is used effectively. This requires teachers to develop new skills in technology management and digital literacy.

Furthermore, the use of generative AI in education raises questions about the value of human interaction in the learning process. While AI can handle many routine tasks, such as grading or content delivery, it lacks the ability to provide the emotional support and mentorship that are crucial for student development. Teachers must therefore balance the efficiency of AI tools with the need to maintain meaningful connections with their students.

In conclusion, while generative AI offers many opportunities to enhance education, it also challenges the traditional role of teachers. As AI becomes more integrated into the classroom, teachers will need to adapt, focusing on their unique ability to provide guidance, support, and a human connection that AI cannot replicate.







The introduction of generative AI in education is changing the traditional role of teachers, shifting from a teacher-centered model to a more student-centered approach. Teachers now act as facilitators, helping students navigate AI-generated content and ensuring it meets educational standards. While AI can handle routine tasks, it cannot replace the emotional support and mentorship that teachers provide. Teachers must balance the efficiency of AI tools with maintaining meaningful connections with students.
(61 words)




The digital divide refers to the gap between individuals or communities that have access to modern information and communication technologies (ICT) and those that do not. This divide can exist due to various factors such as economic status, geographical location, education level, and age. In today’s increasingly digital world, the digital divide has significant implications for education, employment, and access to information.

One of the main causes of the digital divide is economic inequality. People in lower-income households often lack the financial resources to purchase computers, smartphones, or pay for internet services. Additionally, rural areas may have limited access to high-speed internet due to the lack of infrastructure. This limits opportunities for online learning, remote work, and access to digital services, putting these communities at a disadvantage.

To bridge the digital divide, several measures can be taken. Governments and organizations can provide affordable or free access to technology and internet services, especially in underserved areas. Educational programs can also help improve digital literacy, teaching people how to use technology effectively. Public institutions like libraries and community centers can offer free internet access and digital training programs to help those without access at home.

In conclusion, addressing the digital divide is essential for ensuring equal opportunities in the digital age. By providing access to technology and improving digital literacy, we can help close the gap and create a more inclusive society.







The digital divide separates those with access to modern ICT from those without, influenced by income and location. This gap impacts education and job prospects. Solutions include providing affordable technology, enhancing digital literacy, and offering free internet in public spaces. Closing this divide is vital for creating an equal and accessible digital society.
(51 words)
