



A long-time pizza delivery man’s customers raised enough money to give him an unusual tip: a car

Erin Snodgrass

Sat, January 23, 2021, 3:12 PM

man gets a new car.Keith Srakocic An Indiana community raised $19,000 to buy a long-time pizza deliveryman a newer car.

Pizza Hut said Robert Peters is one of their longest-tenured pizza delivery people.”I couldn’t believe it, it’s almost like it’s surreal,” Peters told CBS.

(Visit Insider’s homepage for more stories.)

Robert Peters, a Pizza Hut employee in Tipton, Indiana, has been delivering pies for 31 years.But earlier this month he received a tip like none other in his decades-long delivery career: a shiny, red Chevy Malibu.

Peters is known for his friendly disposition and his obsessive commitment to customer service, according to a CBS News Report.

One of Peters’s regular customers, Tanner Langley, told the outlet that Peters always makes sure his customers get exact change,even if it means he has to drive miles down the road in a blizzard just to bring back 15 cents.– ADVERTISEMENT –

“It’s the moral of it,” Langley said.

“He didn’t want you to feel like you had to tip him because he didn’t have the change.”

After witnessing years of Peters’ unparalleled service, Langley said he was inspired to show his gratitude.

He started a GoFundMe campaign to replace Peters’ 28-year-old Oldsmobile that he’d been having trouble with, Good Morning America reported.

It only took two days for the community of Tipton to raise nearly $19,000 – enough to buy Peters a 2017 Chevy Malibu and cover insurance and gas money as well, the network reported.

“That’s the type of impact he has on people,” Langley said of the town’s efforts.

Read More: A very good dog waited outside a hospital for her sick owner for 6 days after following his ambulance

“I couldn’t believe it, it’s almost like it’s surreal,” Peters told CBS.

Pizza Hut reportedly said Peters is one of their longest-tenured delivery people.

“There were people in my family that were like, ‘Maybe you should consider something a little more financially stable.’

But it’s my purpose in life – trying to make people happy.

You know, when you’re delivering to somebody,/ you may be the only face they see all day,” Peters said.

Read the original article on Insider


A long-time pizza delivery man’s customers/ raised enough money/ to give him an unusual tip

: a car

Erin Snodgrass
Sat, January 23, 2021, 3:12 PM

A man gets a new car.

Keith Srakocic

An Indiana community raised $19,000/ to buy a long-time pizza deliveryman a newer car.

Pizza Hut said /Robert Peters is one of their longest-tenured pizza delivery people.


“I couldn’t believe it,


it’s almost like it’s surreal,”


Peters told CBS.


Visit Insider’s homepage /for more stories.

Robert Peters,/ a Pizza Hut employee in Tipton, Indiana, /has been delivering pies / for 31 years.


But /earlier this month /he received a tip like none other/ in his decades-long delivery career

10年 経歴職歴

: a shiny, red Chevy Malibu.

Peters is known for his friendly disposition /and his obsessive commitment /to customer service,

性質 度を越した

according to a CBS News Report.

One of Peters’s regular customers, Tanner Langley, told the outlet /that Peters always makes sure /his customers get exact change,

出口 正確な おつり

even if it means /he has to drive /miles down the road /in a blizzard /just to bring back 15 cents.




“It’s the moral of it,” Langley said.


“He didn’t want you to feel like /you had to tip him /because he didn’t have the change.”


After witnessing years of Peters’ unparalleled service, Langley said /he was inspired to show his gratitude.

目撃する 並行する・並ぶ 刺激を受けて~する 彼への感謝

He started a GoFundMe campaign /to replace Peters’ 28-year-old Oldsmobile /that he’d been having trouble with,

Good Morning America reported.

It only took two days /for the community of Tipton /to raise nearly $19,000 /- enough to buy Peters a 2017 Chevy Malibu /and cover insurance and gas money as well,


the network reported.

“That’s the type of impact /he has on people,” Langley said /of the town’s efforts.


(Read More: A very good dog waited /outside a hospital /for her sick owner /for 6 days /after following his ambulance)


“I couldn’t believe it,

it’s almost like it’s surreal,”

Peters told CBS.

Pizza Hut reportedly said /Peters is one of their longest-tenured delivery people.

“There were people /in my family /that were like, ‘Maybe you should consider something /a little more financially stable.’


But it’s my purpose /in life – trying to make people happy.


You know, when you’re delivering to somebody, you may be the only face /they see all day,” /Peters said.


Read the original article on Insider




1/27(水) 11:10配信
Keith Srakocic


シボレー・マリブ(Chevrolet(Chevy) Malibu)





CBS Newsによると、ピータースさんはその気さくさと徹底したカスタマー・サービスで知られている。



ピータースさんの類まれなサービスを長年にわたって目にしてきたラングレーさんは、ピータースさんに感謝の気持ちを示したいと考えた。そこでピータースさんが28年使っていて、故障しがちなオールドモビルに代わる車をプレゼントするために、ラングレーさんはクラウドファンディングサイト「GoFundMe」で寄付を募ったと、Good Morning Americaは報じた。






[原文:A long-time pizza delivery man’s customers raised enough money to give him an unusual tip: a car]

